Eval JS


Invokes a javascript function. The result of the invocation will be the new scope.


A javascript function which takes the current scope as argument and returns the new scope.

If you don’t return anything, Apibot will assume that you returned an empty map! So always remember to return the resulting scope.

Example: Setting a “random” email in the scope.

(scope) => {
  const millis = Date.now();
  scope.email = "myemail" + millis + "@gmail.com";
  return scope;

Example: Removing a key from the scope. Assuming the email key is already defined in the scope.

(scope) => {
  delete scope.email;
  return scope;

Example: modifying a key in the scope. Assuming the name and lastName keys are already defined in the scope.

(scope) => {
  scope.fullName = scope.name + scope.lastName;
  return scope;